Magazine Mockup of both Koopor Vape and Sky Guide retro Ad

50’s Ads

50's Ads

For this assignment, I was tasked with recreating two 50 style magazine ads. We could pick any recent product or App for the ad, I decided to make my ads on a star gazing app and a vape company. What I liked about this assignment was the sense of juxtaposition you get when you put a new product in a old environment.

Sky Guide Ad

My 50's ad design for the Sky Guide App

The App I created this ad for is called Star Guide. I wanted it to look like she was using the App and talking to someone about what she is seeing. I used photoshop to compose this design. The images are not of my own, I only composed and edited them to make the design. I used an old ad for the woman, an image of a night sky, and another of a Iphone all obtained from Google. The colors I used were ones used in the image of the woman. I wanted to use retro style fonts to give the design a real feel for the time period.

Koopor Vape Ad

Image of my 50's ad for Koopor Vape

This Ad I created was for a Koopor box mod, again I only composed the design, I did not create the image of the old man or the photo of the vape. I used photoshop to compose this design too. The idea was that a doctor was telling someone they should “ditch papers for vapors”. I used colors from the doctor for the text and background colors. I believe both of these designs were successful retro ads.

I invite you to see more of my work, and what I can offer your brand